Quad / ATV
A quad bike is far from just a quad bike! Some drive a noble GG Quad, powered by a BMW Boxer or 4-cylinder, others drive a lowered Off-Road Quad and some "abuse" the beast ATV and sweep with it, while lowered, through the serpentines. There are also people who - with the exception of the noble GG Quad - also drive it through the terrain. But they all want only one thing: A great Suspension. Here individuality is required and therefore there are no existing standards, except for the original equipment of GG Quads.
With our system almost everything is possible. Whether higher, lower, on or off the road, touring or sport - express your wishes - we will make them come true. If you cannot find your desired product in the model and price list, please contact us. We will be happy to help and advise you.
In our factory we produce custom-made shock absorbers for all Quad and ATV models from our modular system.
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